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Department of History

With the establishment of this college Dept. of history also came into existence in 1982. Presently nearly 350 students out of 550 students have opted history. This subject is offered as elective subject at U.G. level. There is semester system at U.G. level. In B.A Ist year (History of India from earliest Times to 1526) is covered in two semesters in B.A. II year history of India from 1526 to 1964 which covers the Mughal and British period is being taught in next two semesters. In B.A III History of modern world up to 1945 is divided into two papers Medium of instruction is Hindi/English. Teaching is done with the help of maps to have the good knowledge of geography. India, Europe and world maps are shown and practiced during practical periods. Maps are shown through charts, globe and LCD projector.In the college there Library, sufficient number of reference books of History . The dept organizes educational tours, inter class quiz, personal counseling academic tips to students is given to make teaching history  interesting .As G.M also taught   travel writes “History and literature are twin sisters inseparable”.

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